Thursday, September 3, 2020

Current Events in Business Research Essay

I made some enthusiastically memories attempting to make sense of a capacity that I accomplish at work or one that I might I’d want to later on so I picked from Chapter 3 of our perusing, The â€Å"Bringing Research to Life† of the Business Research Methods segment which delineates a situation. Myra Wines is a lady that was employed by the U.S. Armed force to examine and investigate with her group whether the testing region where the military uses its weapons testing was an immediate association or cause to the regular citizen demise rate expanding since the range opened. There are a couple of issues here that Myra and her group should explore and examine. There are nearby activists voicing their anxiety, calling to close down the range because of being naturally risky. Another issue was these â€Å"duds† or bombs that didn’t detonate when it hit the ground going off haphazardly, as the Army accepted that its dead shells would possibly detonate if another bomb was dropped on it to make it touch off. As per the Army, regular citizen passings couldn't be ascribed to their weapons testing territory because of their testing of dropping the â€Å"duds† to burning them to attempt to touch off them. Wines and group conjectured that the dead shells might detonate and leave no hint of the occasion occurring. Wines and group, met with Army agents to go over the reports in regards to dead shells or â€Å"duds†. By surveying these materials they would be capable characterize the administration question which thus would help by arriving at a resolution for the examination question. The exploration group needed to take a gander at all the work force that came in contact of shells, results that the blasts were leaving, and the recurrence of dead shells Army states one out of twenty) to have the option to think of better examination questions. The team’s perception gave them that regular folks were really opening up the bombs to rescue whatever had esteem. Shockingly the bombs detonated and â€Å"vaporizing† the scroungers. Wines’ research group audited the information they gathered, inferring that the regular folks were daredevil and the searching fit into their rushes. Wines and group talked about theirâ conclusions to the Army, in which the Army to create and act ualize arrangements to reduce avoidable non military personnel passings. The team’s ends in the wake of exploring the information, verified that the Army’s best administration choice was to set off each â€Å"dud† shell toward the finish of each testing day and put lamp fuel on them so aircraft can see around evening time and drop bombs to annihilate the â€Å"duds†. In light of Wines’ and the team’s research, the Army actualized new techniques and the non military personnel passing rate dropped. Exploration is a significant perspective to any organization that is looking to pick up progress or get the up hand on contenders. Looking for techniques that will increase the value of organizations is additionally viewed as the business research process. While exploring, one must consider what is to the greatest advantage of the organization, its representatives, the support, and the network. Business research is significant while figuring out what sorts of administrations organizations are thinking about and required to examine business circumstances. It is critical to investigate the maximum capacity of the administration and what will the organization gain from it. Business research is utilized to perform investigation of the business, its items and to recognize client gatherings. It additionally is a significant instrument for the board to settle on better business choices. In the event that the hazard is excessively high, and there isn't a lot of that progress that the organization will pick up from offering the types of assistance, at that point it may be ideal to hold off some time longer. One of the keys to investigate is to take studies, converse with all gatherings included, and give motivations to and additionally against the goal of the exploration before it can even be thought of. At my manager, we do representative studies once per year. This is a path for the organization to do explore on the employee’s preferences, aversions, and grievances. By doing studies, organizations can get representatives to open up and find solutions to basic inquiries privately. References Cooper, D. R., and Schindler, P. S. (2014). Business research techniques (twelfth ed.). Boston, MA/USA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

james coopers Essay Example For Students

james coopers Essay James Fenimore CooperJames Fenimore Cooper was conceived in Burlington, New Jersey on September 15, 1789. He was brought into the world the eleventh of twelve kids to William and Elizabeth Cooper. His genuine name is James Kent Cooper, he attempted to transform it so he could acquire a portion of his moms riches, yet the court framework would not permit it. He utilizes Fenimore as his penname (Hart 133). At the point when he was around one year old, his family moved to the boondocks of Lake Otsego, New York. His dad set up the settlement of Cooperstown at the bowl of the Susquehanna River (Ulger 336). Coopers guardians sent him to a private academy in Albany, New York and from that point, he was acknowledged into Yale. He stayed at Yale for a long time, until he was ousted for an immature trick. Coopers father made him join the military and he picked the United States Navy in 1802. He marked on as a sailor on a vessel bound from Maine to England and got his bonus. Cooper before long discovered that more order was available in the Navy than at Yale (Hart 138). Following two years, Cooper took a leave and was relegated to a gathering of maritime officials who were attempting to setting up a new water naval force in the Great Lakes area. He didn't care for the task however he realized that as long as his dad was alive that he didn't have anything else to do (Crystal 789). The demise of Coopers father and his marriage are the two things that carried a change to his life. The demise of his dad was a catastrophe on account of a political rival, and this made him acquire, along with his siblings, a part of a huge domain tragically before long disseminated by every one of them. Second was his union with Susan De Lancey in 1811, at the time he was twenty-one and she was just eighteen (Haycraft 178). In 1820, Cooper distributed his first artistic work, Precaution, on a test from his better half. This epic was a failure to Cooper. He distributed his second work of American Literature, The Spy, and after a year in 1821. This epic was designed according to Sir Walters Scotts Waverly, with the special case that it was set during the American Revolution. The Spy brought Cooper universal acknowledgment and riches. Coopers third novel, The Pioneers, was the first of five books of an arrangement that made up the Leatherstocking Tales. These were probably the most well known outskirts books highlighting a frontiersman by the name of Natty Bumpoo, or Hawkeye. The Pioneers is commonly viewed as first real American epic. The five books of the arrangement were not written in their story request (Howse 116). Cooper and his significant other had five kids when they moved to Europe in 1826 and remained there until 1833 so their youngsters would have the best training accessible at that point. At the point when Cooper and his family came back to America in 1833, he found that he was very disagreeable because of his work Notions of the Americans and Letter to General Lafayette. He composed these two works while he and his family were all the while living in Europe (Ulger 357). He left New York City chiefly in light of his disagreeability and the unforgiving sentiments being appeared to his family. Cooper chose to return to Cooperstown, New York. He concluded that he and his family would live like his family and bring up his kids as he was raised (Haycraft 179). Cooper kicked the bucket on September 14, 1851, one day before his sixty-second birthday celebration. His works mirrors that of Shakespeare and Milton, and utilized late eighteenth-century and mid nineteenth-century artists as a manag ing light for his compositions. He additionally utilized the Bible, which he had concentrated as a youngster, to reflect its names and its style or language. He saw that the job of writing was that of an approach to upgrade regular daily existence. Cooper was, and keeps on being a monstrously famous author, just as, he is commonly viewed as the primary significant American writer (Ulger 357). .u84d7d23f05f658cabbc90c84681a7cad , .u84d7d23f05f658cabbc90c84681a7cad .postImageUrl , .u84d7d23f05f658cabbc90c84681a7cad .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u84d7d23f05f658cabbc90c84681a7cad , .u84d7d23f05f658cabbc90c84681a7cad:hover , .u84d7d23f05f658cabbc90c84681a7cad:visited , .u84d7d23f05f658cabbc90c84681a7cad:active { border:0!important; } .u84d7d23f05f658cabbc90c84681a7cad .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u84d7d23f05f658cabbc90c84681a7cad { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u84d7d23f05f658cabbc90c84681a7cad:active , .u84d7d23f05f658cabbc90c84681a7cad:hover { haziness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u84d7d23f05f658cabbc90c84681a7cad .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .u84d7d23f05f658cabbc90c84681a7cad .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enrichment: underline; } .u84d7d23f05f658cabbc90c84681a7cad .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u84d7d23f05f658cabbc90c84681a7cad .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u84d7d23f05f658cabbc90c84681a7cad:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u84d7d23f05f 658cabbc90c84681a7cad .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u84d7d23f05f658cabbc90c84681a7cad-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u84d7d23f05f658cabbc90c84681a7cad:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: What Is A Role Model EssayWORKS CITEDCrystal, David. The Cambridge Biographical Encyclopedia. New York: U of Cambridge P, 1998. Hart, James D. The Oxford Companion to American Literature. Oxford: Oxford U P, 1965. Haycraft, Howard and Stanley J. Kunitz. American Authors: 1600-1900. New York: H.W. Wilson Co., 1977. Howse, Ray Semon. Cooper: Sea Tales. New York: The Library of America, 1991. Ulger, Leonard. American Writers: A Collection of Literary Biographies. St. Paul: U of Minnesota, 1974.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Art and Humanities Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Craftsmanship and Humanities Project - Research Paper Example I do recall that these melodies constantly caused me to feel glad, cooler dynamic and good humored. They gave me an outlet for emotions that I couldn't generally appreciate or discover words for. These melodies made youth experience an erasable encounter. They caused youth to appear to be loaded up with fun and exercises, plays, moves and grins. They essentially made me see the world and surrounding me as inviting and brimming with happiness. Gracious! How I miss the youth day. What music do you partner with immaturity? Was this music an approach to fit in or rebel? The teenagers are individuals up to speed in the blend of change among youth and adulthood. During this period, they will in general duplicate a great deal from the media, need to be heard, and have their choices regarded by their senior. Music plays a lot in impacting the manner in which they think and acts (Kerchner and Abril, 2009). The music that I partner with them would be those that cause them to feel that they hav e a spot in the public arena. This music incorporates Love melodies and blues, Hip pop, Rap, fork tunes and Rock (Anonymous, 2009). It is just in uncommon events that one can connect them with Spiritual or strict melodies. At this phase of life, a large portion of them need to be related with a lighthearted way of life. As an immature, I used to tune in to Rap music, Hip-pop and Rock and roll. I was at storage heads with my folks in many occasions on account of this music. They yield in me the insubordinate soul due to their exact nature. The vast majority of this music is full or provocative, critical and foul language. The majority of them are performed with craftsmen who misuse drugs, making them live cheerful way of life. At this phase throughout everyday life, I believed that, that was... Workmanship and Humanities Project Music has satisfied be known as an all inclusive language that communicates what one can't bear to stay quiet about or articulate. Music has made its situation as an incredibly noteworthy piece of our lives since everybody will in general relate to it. In this paper, I have clarified the jobs of music in various stages and parts of our lives. Music brain science is the science that researches the collaboration and connection among music and the human psyche. It utilizes mental techniques and hypothesis to attempt to comprehend and decipher how the cerebrum reacts to music. The impact of music on people’s demeanor, psyche and feeling, is constantly prominent in their practices (Davis, 2010). Individuals do interface with music since it straightforwardly identifies with a wide range of human sentiments and feelings. That is, regardless of whether an individual feels confounded or disappointed, tragic and desolate, cheerful and good humored, or even profound, music that properly suits the state of mind is consistently there. The impacts of having profound association with music are constantly positive not negative. With the assistance of the accompanying inquiries, I will delineate the relationship of music with various phases of life and feelings. I’d like to bring up that music shapes a basic piece of our lives. It is something that give the vast majority an accommodating with the world’s limitations. It influences individuals all things considered, shading and ages unique, while bringing out a wide range of sentiments and feelings, which lead to the development of profound association with it in all periods of our lives.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Moby Dick as a Social Allegory - Literature Essay Samples

With his novel Moby-Dick, Herman Melville uses the voyages of a New England whaler as a metaphor for the expansionist society in which he was living. Completed in 1851, the novel condemns Americas values during the middle of the 19th century. During this time, the United States expanding population encouraged the idea of manifest destiny, or that the nation was destined to span to the Pacific Ocean. This goal provoked many incidents between America and its bordering civilizations, such as Mexico, and the many Native Americans tribes that were either displaced or destroyed by the western settlers. The United States saw these civilizations as primitive; thus, exterminating them for their land was not seen as a criminal act, especially given the value of the natural resources that could be exploited for profit. Melville opposed this expansionist policy and the methods that were used to achieve it, and the novel shows this opposition as well as his admiration of native values.One of the first indications that we have of the authors support for the native cultures that were being destroyed is his first interaction with Queequeg. Upon learning that he must share a room with the cannibal, he argues at first, then agrees, as long as the native obeys a few rules, stating, Better sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunken Christian. (31) This sentence shows us that Melville does not hold the typical 19th century Christian values that view pagans as sub-humans. It was this superior attitude that enabled the American expansionist rationale.Ishmael furthers his view in equality a few chapters later as he and Queequegs friendship develop more. He admits that it is unlike his society to befriend a savage, but declares, Ill try a pagan friend since Christian kindness has proved but hollow courtesy. (53) This statement is probably one of the primary reasons that many Christians criticized the book at the time, for they felt that it condemns their beliefs. Here he is cr iticizing the same kind of strict Christianity that his friend Hawthorne condemns. Melvilles criticism of Christian practices is surprising, though, given the amount of scripture that he uses in novel, meaning that he must have been a fairly educated Christian at some time in order to be that knowledgeable of the Bible. Because of this, readers should infer that Melville is not critical of the Christian religion, but rather the way that he has seen it practiced. Being a friend of Hawthorne, he probably had more than enough knowledge of the Puritanical judgments used by the countys founders. In addition, he saw the way that Christianitys superior self-perception enabled them to infringe upon pagan civilizations.It is this infringement and exploitation of other societies that the book condemns as one of its major themes. Though the Pequod travels eastward, both it and the United States were attempting to exploit resources all the way to the Pacific. In this way, Melville may be trying to express that the United States is attempting to exploit every uncivilized area of the world, by taking all of the land to the west and conquering the seas all the way around the globe.The sperm whales are symbolic of the western land, which will be exploited for only what is most profitable; meanwhile wasting anything that is not seen to be worth the effort. Examples of the wastefulness of the whalers permeate Ishmaels account. Though he never condemns the actions, the inclusion of the details allows readers to make their own inferences. One of the first indications that we receive follows the capture of the first whale. Here, Melville vividly describes the process that the men go through to process the dead animal. From the whale, they take only the blubber and the gallons of spermaceti that are found within the dead whales head. Most of the rest of the carcass is dropped back into the ocean for the sharks to feed upon. This is reminiscent of the treatment of the b uffalo upon the Midwestern plains at the middle of the 19th century, where the animals were shot and had the best parts removed while the rest was left for the vultures. Ahabs monomaniacal mission to conquer the whale is further compared to United States expansionism as the crew approaches Moby Dicks position. In chapter 109, Starbuck informs the captain of the leak in the casks of spermaceti in the hold. Upon hearing the news, we see that the captain is unconcerned, for we learn that he cares not for the resources that he has already plundered, but only about killing the White Whale. This is like the United States driving westward, even though little had been done to cultivate the land that was already possessed by the settlers, for they refused to rest until their Manifest Destiny was complete. After reaching their goal, they could focus on trivial things, such as using what they had not yet destroyed during their conquest.One of the most interesting aspects of the novel is t he colors that are symbolically used. Though Melville makes readers critical of the values that the crew has, he does not have us sympathizing with the White Whale, either. In fact, he depicts Moby Dick as an evil being, making everything in the novel that is white evil. Melville does not see white as purity like modern society typically does. Rather, he sees it as an evil shade, and one that can not be trusted. In making the pro-native argument, this could be used to condemn white society, which can be viewed as evil for murdering so many natives. Similarly, of the characters that we meet in the novel, the dark-skinned ones seem to represent the best that the books characters can offer. While none of them would be seen by society as examples to follow, they do seem more civil than their white shipmates. This compares them to the natives of the United States, for their actions were usually polite towards their white shipmates. This is similar to the help that the colonists received from the Native Americans during the Revolutionary War. In the end, though, the loyalty of the harpooners is abused, as they are thrown to their deaths to support the single-serving actions of their leader, much as the United States used the Indians to win the war and then stripped them of the freedoms that they had helped the Americans gain.Other indicators of Melvilles discontent with his countrys policies are found in the book as well, though they do not fall within the plot of the novel, but rather the factual information that the author gives to help readers better understand the whaling industry. One such example is when Melville states that Nantucketers were the first among mankind to harpoon with civilized steel the great Sperm Whale; and for half a century they were the only people on the globe who so harpooned them. (369) This passage is relevant since it emphasizes American greed. At the time of Melvilles writings, whale populations around the world were in de cline because of the high number of whales that were annually harvested. Because whales have reproductive cycles similar to humans in that they have almost identical gestation periods and only have one offspring at a time, there was not enough time for populations to restore themselves. From this passage, we learn that in little more than 100 years, Americans have been only one of a few nations harvesting these animals, yet they have still managed to reduce the populations at a remarkable rate. Likewise, during the same era, Americans were also expanding beyond what they had already settled in order to exploit the limited gold resources in California and Alaska, virtually annihilating the buffalo population in the Midwest, and making other species, such as the Eastern Elk extinct.Moby-Dick, because of its length, gives the author a great deal of ability to include many different themes besides a simple story about whaling. Given this ability, Melville condemns his 19th century s ociety for its selfish values. We see Ishmael become critical of the beliefs that Christianity has instilled in its followers. Even though he is aware of the history behind it, he condemns the way that its values are misused to support ideals that are contrary to the teachings of the Bible. For this reason, he befriends Queequeg, as he has not been misguided by civilization entirely. One of the ways that Queequeg has been corrupted, though, is his willingness to help the whalers exploit nature. While many native tribes use their natural resources, they are more for sustenance rather than profit. It could be for this reason that all of the natives perish in the end, for they are just as guilty as the white men for trying to take too much. By assimilating into western society, these men partially abandon their native societies and therefore must be punished for assisting the misled 19th century Americans in their villainous behavior regarding nature and the people who still liv e in harmony with it.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Elements For The Judgment Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1360 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Voluntary risks are considered less troublesome than involuntary risks. One of the biggest arguments for it is that people tend to use tobacco irrespective of its known risks while in case of plane crash, public reaction is exceptionally high. In the same way risk perception of an expert and layman is very different. Starr characterized risks into voluntary involuntary. Voluntary risk is the risks in which participant or the risk taker takes risk by choice. When an individual takes risk by its choice it is more acceptable for him it is because of the reason that voluntary risk is takes by the individuals own value system experience. While involuntary risks are associated with such activities or situations which are not taken by the choice of the individual rather it is imposed on him without his consent. Starr found out that individual tend to accept those risks with are attributed with benefits hence he termed those risks with voluntary risks. Starr did an extensive research on that concluded that people tend to accept voluntary risk 1000 times more than involuntary risk (Starr, 1969). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Elements For The Judgment Finance Essay" essay for you Create order According to renn (Renn, 1990)individual perception of risk is more satisfying it he chooses the risk voluntary instead of the risk which has been imposed on him. Individuals accept voluntary risk more than involuntary because it gives them a sense of freedom hence voluntary risk is often attributed as chosen risk because when people perceive that specific form of investment yield higher returns they chose accept high risk. Secondly individuals take voluntary risks because they have relevant knowledge information available to them i.e. They have more knowledge information about any form of investment than the other whereas lack of information provides a legitimate case for not involuntary risk because with lack of information or knowledge about the risk can be costly for people to avoid. Another approach leading to voluntary risks is presence of alternatives i.e. when an investor rejects less attractive alternatives he is going for a chosen risk which he thinks is most acceptable for him (Wang, 2009). Financial knowledge of the investor may influence a wide range of behaviors like voluntary participation of risk his choice of portfolio. It also helps in determining whether the person is certain or uncertain about a risk. Certainty itself is a psychological construct; if a person has a complete knowledge then he will not have any uncertainty towards a risk (Sjberg, 2004) And if you are uncertain about a risk, uncertainty itself is perceived as a risk. Financial knowledge is a knowledge that is learned, organized is represented to make reasonable decisions about their investment plans or choice of investment portfolio they want to make i.e. whether highly risky or less risky. Investors have to update their knowledge to make better investment plans. Research indicates that there are two types of financial knowledge: objective knowledge subjective knowledge. Objective knowledge includes the financial knowledge which investor possess the updating of that knowledge via effective deliberation. While the subjective knowledge is the knowledge which investor interpret him based on his personal experience. For the purpose of validity, objective knowledge is considered more valid than subjective knowledge although for reliability purpose many investors rely on their subjective knowledge as it represents how confident an investors is towards his choice of investment decision (Steel, 2002). In traditional economies people tend to make their investment funds based on the benefits associated with them only while in todays economy with the inclusion of financial management people take decisions based on their own ultimate benefits by choosing between a mix of defined benefits investment plans undefined benefits investment plans. People tend to accept those risks more which have clear benefits in comparison to those who have little or no benefits. But it is to be kept in mind that if an investor wants to have a higher return, he must bear a higher risk i.e. higher the risk higher will be the return on his investment. It is because of this reason that investors have been classified as risk taker risk averse, high risk taking investors clearly do not take higher risk for the sake of risk itself but because the monetary other clear benefits associated with those risks. For an investor determined a clear reward associated with a risk, he voluntarily accepts even very high ri sk. While choosing between different alternatives or having a diversified portfolio involves choosing between perceived risk-benefits combinations (Sachse, 2012) Basic investors do not consider growth securities firstly because of their fluctuating nature as it is only suitable for investors who look for capital gains over the long term and are willing to take high risk, secondly although it ensures ownership in the company, whose shares have been bought, but in case company liquidity shareholders claims are fulfilled in the last. For this reason, investment in shares is usually done by investors who are high risk takers. Investors who are low risk takers choose risk free securities such as Government securities which has fixed rate of return over a long term period. As these securities incorporate fixed rate of return hence they are free from any uncertainty. Hence mostly low or moderate risk takers invest in such securities (Diacon, 2002). control Risk factors that can be controlled by the individual himself are considered as controllable risks as they can be controlled with ones behavior e.g. by avoiding smoking one can avoid the risk of getting cancer. Not all type of risks can be controlled or changed by the individual, such risks are known as uncontrollable risks e.g. heredity diseases cannot be prevented by ones own will, similarly no one can change or control the obvious diseases resulting from old age while in some cases like in investment decisions one can protect himself from huge losses by doing risk assessment first (Groth, 2004). From an organizational point of view controllable risks are the internal risks that can be changed, controlled, avoided or even eliminated e.g. monitoring employees behavior on regular basis to avoid any illegal action that can cause loss to the company. Whether a company or individual controllable risks for both is best managed through prevention i.e. by actively monitoring operational processes, their investment portfolios, their decision behaviors etc. for this reason controllable risks are also called preventable risks. Some risks arise from such events which cannot be controlled, prevented or monitored to be influenced. Natural political disasters in a country effects all the sectors of that country hence they can only be identified by cannot be controlled e.g. world recession of 1930 hit every financial sector very badly but this recession couldnt be controlled due to some reasons although they were mitigated but not fully prevented. These risks are uncontrollable risks are also known as external risks (Kaplan, 2012). Risks can be controllable or uncountable, price fluctuations in commodity prices is generally not considered controllable due to some of the market factors which cannot b controlled although it can be mitigated by increasing or decreasing ones exposure to the risk e.g. if a lay man wants to invest in the business he can mitigate the risks by hiring a broker for himself instead of doing investments on his own (Fragnire, 2007). If people tend to perceive that they have control over the risks associated with their investments then such risks are more acceptable for an investor or they are more willing to take such risks. An individual tends to have a control over the risks of its investment if he can mitigate or eliminate the risks. While controllability can also be confused with illusion of control in which individual tend to consider his perceive risk lower than actual because they think they have control over their investment risks, while in actual they dont. Because of these factors investors tend to take high risk investment products, rather they are more willing to accept greater risk than others hence controllable risks are classified as those risks which we can influence or mitigate, while uncontrollable risk factors are those which cannot be influenced (Doss, 2012).

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Relationship Between Bullying And Suicide Essay

I feel State and Federal laws should be put into place to prevent bullying it would hold the bullier more accountable for his/her actions. The relationship between bullying and suicide is complex. Many media reports oversimplify this relationship, insinuating or directly stating that bullying can cause suicide. The facts tell a different story. In particular, it is not accurate and potentially dangerous to present bullying as the â€Å"cause† or â€Å"reason† for a suicide, or to suggest that suicide is a natural response to bullying. We recommend media not use the word bully-cide( All though suicide due to being bullied can not be identified as a crime studies 7 to 9% are more like to consider suicide because of bullying. â€Å"While there is no definitive evidence that bullying makes kids more likely to kill themselves, now that we see there’s a likely association, we can act on it and try to prevent it,† said review lead author Young-Shin Kim, M.D., assistant professor at Yale School of Medicine’s Child Study Center.( Prevention starts at home , children should have it instilled in their minds what bullying may do to someone even themself if bullied. Most bullying starts in grade school with just name calling and throwing of objects , as we progress in age the bullying may get worse. All though Bullying is not illegal there are anti-bullying legislations in 49 states. Harrasment, and intimidation are terms used in the state of NJ toShow MoreRelatedEssay about Bullied to death: Relationship between Bullying and Suicide1087 Words   |  5 Pagesshould just ignore it. Bullying has emerged in the 21st century as an important public health issue and there have been incidents where teasing and bullying have turned deadly (Burgess, A., Garbarino, C., Carlson, M. I., 2006). Children that experience any kind of bullying have an increased chance of committing suicide because each one believes that is their only chance to escape and stop suffering. Therefore, it is important to understand what bullying is, the role bullying plays on mental healthRead MoreTeen Suicide and Bullying1250 Words   |  5 PagesBullying is a worldwide problem that can be linked to teen suicide. The third leading cause of death in youth is suicide, which results in nearly 4,400 deaths per yea r (Centers for Disease Control, 2012). At least half of these deaths are caused by bullying. Although bullying is still seen by many to be a normal part of growing up, it is a severe problem that leads to many negative effects, including suicide. Unfortunately, there is not a definitive solution to this problem. However, there are multipleRead MoreJust As The Hands Of A Clock Are Constantly Moving, Time1199 Words   |  5 Pageschanging society. Relationships among people have changed significantly from what they were in the past. Specifically, the way in which people interact has changed drastically. However, the one interaction has remained relatively the same throughout: bullying. Bullying, a negative interaction, has produced many statistics. In other words, bullying has made its mark in who the common bullies are, who are the typical victims of bullying, the repercussions of bullying, and ways in which bullying is linked toRead MoreReview Of Literature : Historical Background Of Bullying1302 Words   |  6 PagesBackground of Bullying It is alarming that students between the ages of 8 and 18 consider pressure to engage in sexual activity, AIDS, racism, alcohol and drug use to be less problematic than bullying. They consider the latter a far greater problem than the former (Domino, 2013). Bullying has been defined as a subcategory of interpersonal aggression characterized by intentionality, repetition, and imbalance of power, with abuse of power being a primary distinction between bullying and other formsRead MoreReview Of Literature : Historical Background Of Bullying1564 Words   |  7 PagesBackground of Bullying It is alarming that students between the ages of 8 and 18 consider pressure to engage in sexual activity, AIDS, racism, alcohol and drug use to be less problematic than bullying. They consider the latter a far greater problem than the former (Domino, 2013). Bullying has been defined as a subcategory of interpersonal aggression characterized by intentionality, repetition, and imbalance of power, with abuse of power being a primary distinction between bullying and other formsRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society1139 Words   |  5 PagesBullying is an escalated issue that has become an epidemic, it happens in schools, on line, in between genders and can literally occur anywhere. Bullying is the act of aggressive behavior in which intimidation and/or physical harming towards another person is involved. It causes an imbalance in which the stronger person or group attacks the weaker and initiates repeated mistreatment towards the same victim over an extended period of time. In a situation where insults escalate and bullying arisesRead MoreBullying Is Not A Major Problem1450 Words   |  6 PagesBullying, by definition â€Å"is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance† (Stop Bullying). Bullying has quickly become a serious problem in schools, and it negatively impacts both the bully and the victim. Students who have been bullied even once in their lifetime have a higher risk of attempting suicide, and in general have lower self-esteem, causing them to have difficulty maintaining relationships. Bullies themselves also begin to harassRead MorePersuasive Essay On Bullying1010 Words   |  5 Pages Bullying has been a crime for many years, yet what exactly are we doing to stop it? The most dangerous type of bullying is physical bullying. Google defines physical bullying as â€Å"using one’s body and physical bodily acts to exert power over peers.† Examples of physical bullying is punching, kicking, slapping and shoving. Bullies are quickly to judge other kids because of their disabilities, â€Å"Oh he can’t read, he’s so dumb!† not knowing exactly what they’re going through. People who bully otherRead MoreTeen Suicides And The Rise Since The 1970 S Essay1241 Words   |  5 PagesTeen suicides have been on the rise since the 1970’s, making it the second leading cause of death among the youth within the U.S. Suicide is the act of taking one’s own life, intentionally. All of my sources have great information and some sort of stance in spite of all of the chaos with this topic. These authors include Emma Brown, Dahr Jamail , Sonia Nazario, Ophelia D. Johnson, Sara-Ellen Amster, Ames Alexander, Michele Ingrassia John McCormick, Ruth Padawer, Colleen Diskin, Joanne Fox, GreggRead MoreCyber Bullying : A Deep Seated Psychological Problem1359 Words   |  6 Pages Cyber Bullying Introduction Cyber bullying among teen occur when the teenagers harms or harass their peers over the information technology network. Cyber refers to any form of information technology and is not limited to social networks such as Facebook, blogs, twitter, SMS. It is important to note that an action can only be considered as bullying if it is repeated and conducted deliberately

Causes for College Dropouts free essay sample

For a lot of reasons, we really want people to graduate these days, however; getting people to graduate is not easy. Thousands of students attend college every year, and unfortunately, not all of them succeed in graduating. As, Mara Tyler says, â€Å"A student is more likely to drop out whether for a semester or permanently if he is not able to strike a healthy balance with work, school, social activities and family† (Tyler). Many students find it hard to balance work, life and school especially in a time where finding jobs are difficult and there is more to getting a job than just schooling. Three of the main factors to why students are dropping out of college are causes outside-the-classroom. Many students end up getting the job they want and, because of this, drop out of college. In many cases, students who work during college gain promotions to high-paying positions before graduating. We will write a custom essay sample on Causes for College Dropouts or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Also, students take internships in college that turn into jobs. Since most colleges require a minimum number of courses, school forces students to work fewer hours or give up the chance at a promotion (Tyler). Mark Kantrowitz says, â€Å"Nearly three-quarters (71%) of students who dropped out of college said that work contributed to the decision, with more than half (54%) identifying it as a major factor. About a third (35%) said that balancing work and school was too stressful† (Kantrowitz). Therefore, students end up putting college on hold to pursue their job opportunities. Once a student has a position in the field he desires, he may or may not return to school to finish his degree. For students, the freedom and excitement of being on their own can be too much. Sure, there are perks to college life, such as being able to come and go as you please, eat and drink what you want, and take naps in the middle of the day. But without structure, your good times can come with unpleasant side effects like the â€Å"freshman fifteen† or disciplinary actions and academic probation. Donald J. Foss identifies loneliness and isolation, alcohol, time management, and studying as factors that can trip up students. Foss says, â€Å"A second source of high voltage shocks to college commitment comes from bad decisions about what is important—in shorthand, the alcohol problem. Many students stay up too late, engage in binge drinking and possibly other substances, and over-commit to social activities†¦ Alcohol is still the #1 drug problem on college campuses—schools with a party reputation, fully 60% of freshman drink† (Foss). Drinking, staying up late, and blowing off classes to the point where the student is too far behind to make up for the slack can lead to dropping out. Another reason students drop out of college is a lack of money; many students cannot afford to pay for their classes, fees, and books. Mark Kantrowitz says, â€Å"Other major reasons for leaving school included affordability of tuition and fees (31%)† (Kantrowitz). Unless students have financial help from family or are lucky enough to get scholarships or grants, they are often forced to take out loans or work part- to full-time to pay for school. Often times, students cannot afford the cost of living while trying to complete a college education. So because the cost of college on top of other expenses is so high most students do not feel as though they can afford college and end up dropping out. Not all students succeed with graduating college because of these examples and many other different reasons. Students are finding it harder and harder as the years go on to maintain structure in their busy lives and keep up with college. Every year the number of college dropouts increase and will continue to increase because of these factors. Students without financial burdens, who know how to handle their newly found freedom and job, are the kind of students that graduate in college. Even students with one or two of these problems can graduate college if they really work hard. Students with the proper skills, knowledge, and attitudes can tackle college and graduate.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics For College Students

Argumentative Essay Topics For College StudentsHere are some argumentative essay topics for college students this year. Your professor may choose one of these or you may choose to write a more advanced essay. There is no right or wrong answer here, just make sure you know the basics first and that you follow instructions well.I was recently told that argumentative essay topics for college students come from various sources and that most of them are based on survey results and student opinions. This is an excellent idea for many reasons. One of which is that if your professors are looking for a specific topic that can then be used in a thesis statement or thesis defense you will be able to use this information to create an argument that will make it easier for your professor to find a good topic for you.When we see a problem with something in our world there is often a solution out there that we are not aware of. With argumentative essay topics for college students this means that our opinions are strong enough to create a good argument that makes it easier for us to consider the solution in order to solve the problem. Therefore, if you can gain enough points on your argument you will have a good essay that can really help your college professors to see how much you are capable of developing this type of powerful argument.Argumentative essay topics for college students can be controversial. If your professor does not believe that the solutions to controversial issues are usually clear cut, they will allow you to focus on one of these topics for college students that has the possibility of causing a lot of controversy. When writing for argumentative essay topics for college students, you should research and consider the implications of what you are writing on any controversial topic.Although we are always given two sides to an argument, it is still an important part of the essay to understand what you are trying to prove. However, you must consider the arguments that you read on both sides. If you choose to write an argumentative essay topic for college students that is written for another purpose then you will need to try to remember why you are arguing on the topic in the first place. You must be fair in your style of argument and follow the suggestions your instructor has for your essay.When writing for argumentative essay topics for college students you must be honest in your opinion and be honest in your approach. After all, if you do not write from a position of honesty then you will be seen as biased. By not writing from a position of truth, but from a position of opinion, you can use this to help you build a stronger argument.To be successful in argumentative essay topics for college students you must create a strong argument. Although there are certain arguments that are popular, there are others that are not that well known. You should make sure that you follow the format that your instructor gives you in order to create a strong argument that will make your professor want to learn more about the topic.Although you can write this topic on your own, there are lots of students who choose to write these topics for college students in order to fit into a class. This can be a great way to earn points in your class and it can also be a great way to earn money at a book store. Make sure you look for a book that is reasonably priced and then do your best to make a good argument for it.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

How to Select Conflict Essay Topics That Work Best For You

How to Select Conflict Essay Topics That Work Best For YouThere are many reasons why you might be looking for conflict essay topics. Maybe you are working on a thesis paper or trying to earn an advanced degree. Whatever the reason, it is always best to select a topic that will work best for you.Conflict can be felt in almost any situation. It could be professional or personal. Conflict can be generated in different ways. So, you must be able to know what type of conflict you want. This article will focus on two different types of conflict.Conflict between an employee and a supervisor is a common situation that needs to be addressed. If the supervisor treats his or her employee unfairly, the employee may feel as if they have no other option but to take their feelings to their supervisor. They may voice their grievances and see what they can get from the company. Some employees may feel that their complaints are not heard by the management because they are considered petty.An employee can feel as if they are being kept in the dark about new ideas or projects. The employer is well within their rights to keep the employee in the dark about changes. They are not intentionally doing so but the employee is just used to keeping their ideas to themselves. This type of conflict is very common in business and should be addressed in your essay.When dealing with personal problems, both parties may be hurt. Someone is hurt because they did something wrong or their spouse cheated on them. Someone is hurt because their job has been terminated or they are having problems with their career. Regardless of what the situation is, one party is not just in the wrong.Situations like these can be very difficult to handle. It is easy to just come up with a good reason why the person did what they did and blame the person for everything. This is not how you should address your situation.Make sure that you address the root cause of the conflict. After you have been able to do this, then y ou will be in a better position to make a decision. Think carefully about how to handle the situation. Choose an essay topic that will allow you to say the right things at the right time. Do not wait until it is too late to handle the situation.Conflict may occur in your life and you may be tempted to use this to your advantage. However, this does not have to be the case. You will find it much easier to deal with these situations if you choose the correct essay topic for each.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Pitfall of Argumentative Essay Topics Drug Addiction

The Pitfall of Argumentative Essay Topics Drug Addiction To discover argumentative essay topics easy on various platforms, you want to comprehend about the argumentative essay. Locating good essay topics you might discuss effectively and create powerful argumentative essays is a tough work. The very best argumentative essay topics are the simplest ones. Recent argumentative essay topics that are related to society is going to do. Inspiration to make your own advertising or media argumentative essay topics isn't really hard to discover. You don't need to acquire super technical with legal argumentative essays, but don't forget to do your homework on what the recent laws about your preferred topic actually say. Every chosen theme has many advantages. There are lots of aspects about a sport which can be argued in an essay. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics since you need opposing points you can counter to your own points. In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to discover ready-made essays and use them as an example. When it has to do with writing an argumentative essay, the most essential issue to do is to select a topic and an argument that you may really get behind. You should also create a brief overview of the primary reasons behind your argument for the argumentative essay topic. While making an argumentative essay you should explore either side of the subject and finally, you will need to prove why one of them is the most out of the two. All your statements must be supported with facts. When you are requested to select a great topic for your argument, start with something you're acquainted with. It's not sufficient to settle on a topic which everybody agrees on. Provided that you're genuinely interested in this issue and have some great comprehension of the matter, you can choose the topic for the argumentative essay. Therefore, the topic needs to be debatable! You may want to take a great argumentative topic that's currently a popular issue or one that has adequate relevance in todays times. Whispered Argumentative Essay Topics Drug Addiction Secrets Examine the list to choose the topic which can help you compose a creative essay for your middle school class. The intent of assigning an essay to middle school students is to make awareness and permit them to develop writing skills. Every student who would like to perform an ideal academic paper can use mentioned subjects and example argumentative essay to do a fantastic work. Typically, the teachers or professors assign the topics independently. The impacts of an addiction are so greatly underrated by ones who don't need to deal with it, upon careful evaluation most individuals would be astonished how greatly a user can have on an entire family. As a consequence, it can be argued out that drug abuse is damaging to human beings and needs to be avoided at all cost regardless of the simple fact some individuals still believe that drug abuse is harmless. Drug abuse has unfortunately come to be a social norm and the cycle should be put to a conclusion. In addition, it is harmful because it promotes the spreading of harmful diseases through drugs that have to be injected directly in the body. There are many techniques that may help you to select a topic. The topic is just one of the most crucial deciding factors which will have an influence on the results of the caliber of the essay. You'll not have to be worried about picking a fantastic topic again not with 123Writings. It's possible to opt for an intriguing topic from any area of science. For instance, in college, you might be requested t o compose a paper from the opposing perspective. A diversity of potential paper's subjects allows students choosing the best ones employing personal knowledge and extra explanations. After you choose a title, you have to know about the varieties of argumentative claims that you will add in your essay whilst addressing the public. Relevant Topics that are related to your society will engage the reader in the most effective possible method. Instead of just immediately writing about your argumentative essay topic, you first have to think about what you're likely to put back on your paper through a procedure of brainstorming and pre-writing. There are several steps which you should take as a way to compose an exemplary essay. It is extremely important to select a great topic as a way to compose a terrific paper. If you're struggling, you always have the option to get help by employing an essay writing service such as ours. When it is observed to bring reward and satisfaction t o some other individual, it can be sufficient to convince another man to copy it. Some people today live their lives in accordance with their religion while some don't think you should factor that into decision making in regards to determining rules for everybody. Preferably, it needs to be something which you're an expert in. When you're picking your topic, remember that it's much simpler to write about something which you currently have interest ineven in case you don't know a good deal about it. What Is So Fascinating About Argumentative Essay Topics Drug Addiction? Understanding how to compose a strong argumentative paper will help you advance your very own argumentative thinking. How to decrease level of stress when you reside in a fast-paced society. Professors have higher expectations, and therefore, you want some terrific ideas. Still, it's much better to get a freedom of choice as far as it is possible to select the issue which interests you.